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  Club Committee 2009:

Club President

Simon Whitehead

Committee Member

Chris Fox


Andy Graham

Committee Member

Kevin Kilmartin


Matt Smallman

Committee Member

Heather Lewis


Pete Watson

Whilst you are here, perhaps you would like to to have a look at the following  photos.

"So what if the emergency is in the car park - that's what the club shelter is for!"

"Ian's homemade cagoule was excellent in all respects other than he had forgotten to leave a hole for his head"

"Where better to practise one's combined tactics than on a limestone VDif?"

"Gary had carefully skinned the mice, but now he was worried that they might burn."

"Al what do you want me to do with this cotton bud?"

"Hey Al, aren't you interested in seeing my flame grilled whopper?"

"Ready Unsteady Cook"

"Can ooing down the Wye."

"A far better effort than the men's 4 x 100m relay team can manage."

"Ship to ship supply lines ran like a well oiled machine."

"Deliverance .....the out takes. "

"Unfortunately Al had put the one way value into his pee-bottle the wrong way round"

"When using a pee bottle it's customary to pee into the bottle. 

"WMC guys don’t bother with all that girlie stuff"

"Al had failed to grasp some of the key principles of the wet T-shirt competition"

"Who's nicked my can of Fosters?"

"Hope someone can re-attach my catheter tube."

"Dandelion Juice .....for that cool refreshing feeling!"

"…just got to look natural and no one will notice."

"Stuck between a rock and, well, another rock" - Sue

"Chas's unusually large set of clangers were causing him some discomfort" - Simon

"Pete looking nude in the gorges rather than gorgeous in the nude?" - Sue

"Some people were glad to see the back of Pete" - Pete


"Which cow?" - Sue